Request Assistance
If you need to file a grievance or think you might want to and need assistance, please contact us as soon as possible. There are different filing deadlines that apply to different types of grievances. Or maybe you just need to report an issue, need a contact for a type of issue, or just have a question? We are here to assist you.
It all begins with an idea. There are opportunities for everyone to participate. Become active by engaging other members at your site, walking in a parade, distributing information, updating bulletin boards in your building, and more. And if you catch the union spirit, consider running for a steward position. It is great experience and can help build your career beyond your standard state duties. Contact a steward in your building or contact the Division 357 Council by using the button below. We are here to help.
Fund Our Future
In ITS we are aware of the difficulties with resourcing projects and operations. We suffer not only from budget constraints on ITS, but on client agencies as well. When up against a wall, we go ten extra miles and perform with extraordinary perseverance. However, what should be the rare sacrifice has become the norm. As we receive directives to fulfill mandates, we also receive insufficient resources to meet them. Client agencies refuse to fund efforts causing additional drains on ITS allocated funds - for which we are later held accountable. One round of do less with more may gain you efficiencies. Two rounds may find what you missed. But repeat that for years and you are losing bone and muscle - and that point was reached decades ago. Have you ever had to clean up and put together a solution for an agency after they tried it once, twice, or more times with vendors? Have you seen a project that was absolutely needed now, but had to wait 15 months for funding? Have you seen contractors around for years at a higher salary, but no one is willing to add state positions to maintain the system and retain historical knowledge?
The Fund Our Future campaign seeks to highlight and advocate for solutions. Join your fellow members is fighting for a fully resourced and supported workforce that is treated fairly and acknowledged!