Stewards in the Division can assist employees with getting help in the following areas. We work with local, regional, and statewide resources. We are your first point of contact at the work site or where needed. Many times, we can resolve an issue before escalation is required. We can speak with supervisors/managers on your behalf. Through the Labor-Management Committee we can address many issues directly with human resources at the agency. However, if it is needed, we will work with a variety of PEF offices and committees to escalate your concerns.
Health & Safety Issues
Employee Grievances
Disciplinary Proceedings
Workplace Concerns
The Division seeks to keep its members informed on their rights and resources available through the PEF Contract as well as related federal, state, and local policies. To that end, the Division maintains several avenues of support. These include this Portal, social media, email, work site bulletin boards, events/activities, and more.
Division 357 is here to support its members to the extent possible. If you need assistance with a work site issue, contact your local steward.